Indigenous people

© Lorenzo Gill & Lina Marcela Arias_Colombia_3
El encuentro de Lorenzo Gill con los Tikuna en el Amazonas: Eudocia & Lorenzo Gill © 2020 Cortesía de Lorenzo Gill (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta / Colombia)           COLOMBIA:   Entrevista con el indígena Lorenzo Gill             Lorenzo Gill Etnia […]

COLOMBIA: Entrevista con el indígena Lorenzo Gill

Slider_© 2020 Courtesy of Lorenzo Gil
Lorenzo Gill’s encounter with the Tikuna in the Amazon: Eudocia & Lorenzo Gill © 2020 Courtesy of Lorenzo Gill (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta/Colombia)             COLOMBIA:   Interview with indigenous Lorenzo Gill             Lorenzo Gill He belongs to the Wiwa […]

COLOMBIA: Interview with indigenous Lorenzo Gill

Giovanna Aryafara
Our cooperation partner Giovanna Aryafara is an Australian photographer living in Bali. She is known for her fascinating portraits of indigenous people from many parts of the world. Giovanna Aryafara is currently working on a project in Kenya. With this video she gives us an insight into the annual Kenyan […]

KENYA: Giovanna Aryafara: Video impressions from the Tribe Festival

Trevor Cole_1
Picture „Sudan – Dinka cattle camp“ thanks to © Courtesy of Trevor Cole (Ireland)     We regularly present different cultures from all over the world on our „Intercultural Network For The Highly Gifted“. Today we would like to present a section of impressions from life in Sudan with the […]

SUDAN: Mundari and Dinka cattle camps on the Nile