„Throughout Europe there is a growing awareness of the needs of our most able individuals; in recent years increasing interest in this area of child development has generated new forms of practice in education, numerous research programmes and studies, a growth in the number of societies for parents of highly able children and, indeed, a growth in concern for highly able people of all ages.
ECHA has been generated by an overwhelming demand for coordination from most European countries, both West and East. The major goal of ECHA is to act as a communications network to promote the exchange of information among people interested in high ability – educators, researchers, psychologists, parents and the highly able themselves. As the ECHA network grows, provision for highly able people improves and these improvements are beneficial to all members of society.
The European Council for High Ability aims to advance the study and development of potential excellence in people. This enterprise calls for easy access to communication so that new discoveries whether scientific or the fruits of experience, can be readily shared between members of ECHA and others who are concerned about high ability.
ECHA enjoys consultative status as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) with the Council of Europe.“
About ECHA
The 15th ECHA Conference took place in Vienna / Austria from 2-5 March 2016. Location of the conference was the Hall of Science: “Aula der Wissenschaften”. Given the long tradition of education and migration in many European countries, the topics of multiculturalism and intercultural exchange are key priorities on the educational agenda, as well as being natural prerequisites for peaceful co-existence in the 21st century. Giftedness and high potential in a multicultural society is also a topic most relevant and of high interest all over Europe. The title of the conference was thus chosen to be “Talents in Motion: Encouraging the Gifted in the context of Migration and Intercultural Exchange”.
Die 15. ECHA-Konferenz fand in Wien unter dem Titel „Talents in Motion: Begabungsförderung und Migration – gestern, heute, morgen“ vom 2. – 6. März 2016 statt. Inhaltlich setzte die Konferenz den Fokus auf (hohe) Begabungen im Kontext von kulturellen, ethnischen, religiösen und sozio-ökonomischen Gruppen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf das Thema Begabung und Migration gelegt wird. Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit Migrationshintergrund bedürfen in Schule, Arbeitswelt und Gesellschaft einer adäquaten Förderung ihrer Begabungen und einer besonderen Sensibilität im Umgang. Die Konferenz will den interdisziplinären Dialog initiieren und durch den Austausch von Wissenschaft, Forschung und Praxis zu einem differenzsensiblen Umgang beitragen.
Weitere Informationen findest Du auf der Homepage: www.echa2016.info
KONFERENZBÜRO Institut TIBI an der KPH Wien/Krems
Stephansplatz 3/III, A-1010 Wien
Mail: office@echa2016.info
Abdullah M. Aljughaiman, Riad
Camilla Benbow, Nashville
George Betts, Greeley, Colorado
Gudrun Biffl, Krems
Ursula Boos-Nünning, Duisburg-Essen
Heinz Faßmann, Vienna
Roland Grabner, Graz
Georg Kapsch, Wien
Monika Kil, Krems
Evelyn Kroesbergen, Utrecht
Michael Landau, Wien
Béatrice Mabilon-Bonfils, Paris
Aljoscha Neubauer, Graz
Ari Rath, Jerusalem/Wien
Claudia Resch, Salzburg
Clemens Sedmak, Salzburg/London
Margrit Stamm, Bern
Heidrun Stöger, Regensburg
Thomas Trautmann, Hamburg
Haci-Halil Uslucan, Duisburg-Essen (Our cooperation partner)
Gabriele Weigand, Karlsruhe